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RE: TR4 or TR4A?

To: "'R. John Lye'" <>,
Subject: RE: TR4 or TR4A?
From: John Macartney <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 09:43:36 -0000
> >My question is, is there any other place on the car that I 
> can find the VIN?
> No, sorry.  You might be able to get the commission number from the
> British Motor Heritage, who have all the old build records.  
> In the past,
> they would do a search based on the body number, but I have heard
> rumors that they won't do that anymore.

Sorry, John

The rumour is unfounded. We can do a search when only a body number is
given. As is generally known, the body and commission numbers tend to be in
a similar numerical ballpark but it means we have to examine a large number
of individual records in that general area looking for the body number. Once
we have that, the comm number is a simple read-off. The production records
are microfilmed originals and these were all filed and photographed in
commission number sequence.

The search can be done - but in the absence of the comm. number, the search
fee increases from GBP25 to GBP35 - (say US$50 on current r.o.e's.)
John Macartney
Heritage Motor Centre

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