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triumph baack

To: Gary Nafziger <>
Subject: triumph baack
From: David Massey <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2001 06:13:00 -0500
Cc: "[unknown]" <>
Message text written by Gary Nafziger
>Can someone address this question?

How come we can get 8 or 9 thousand dollar hyundia's

but we can't get 8 or 9 thousand dollar cars like that with the top cut

Perhaps it's because it is cheaper to build a car with a fixed top. 
Perhaps it is because it is cheaper to build cars in larger volume and the
market for convertibles is not big enough to attain the economies
attainable with the fixed top version.  Perhaps the drop top crowd aren't
interested in a chopped version of an econobox.  Perhaps it is because a
chopped top version of an econobox won't pass the US mandated crash tests.

I don't know.  But there could be many reasons.


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