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TR3-What wire harness to buy ??

To: "TRlist" <>
Subject: TR3-What wire harness to buy ??
From: "Pat" <>
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2000 20:52:50 -0800
I asked the list some time ago if I should buy a new harness or use my old
one. Probably 8 out of 10 said to buy a new one, and to buy it from British

I'm asking for some feed back please as to the quality, would you do it
again etc. Are British Wiring better than TRF, MOSS etc as I have heard ?

I have a late 1957 Tub (TS23358 on a late 1960 running gear TS81283L. I'm
thinking that I should get the harness that has the push on connectors so if
I use some equipment that is newer (Post 60000) they are there, but for the
old stuff I can snip off the push on.

ANY comments suggestions I'd appreciate with respect to British Wiring or
the others, price etc.

Thanks, Pat

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