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Re: Hose clamps

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Re: Hose clamps
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2000 08:55:50 -0000
An interesting level of responses, gentlemen - and thank you. Rather
more than I expected. Not having checked how many replies were list
copied, these are the salient points.
1. Some owners are determined their engine bays should exactly
replicate what was originally fitted when the car was new - and that's
fine. They appear to be in a minority. Others argue the worm drive
clamp is more aesthetically pleasing on the eye, is far
easier to remove and spreads the load area. This second group does not
appear to be so concerned with original appearance.
2. Michael Porter rightly claims the wire clamp 'bites' harder into
the rubber and generates greater 'purchase' in a very local area.
Won't disagree on that, particularly in view of the fact that for a
while in the mid-sixties, Standard Triumph's hose suppliers shipped in
hoses, later proved to be of dubious quality and the wire clamps
knackered them in less than a year. This lead to quite a number of
warranty claims for blown engines from loss of coolant.
3. On the concours side of things, it seems that one US Triumph
Association deducts 1 mark per worm drive used while
Vernon Brannon gives the impression VTR is more concerned with
overall engine appearance  (excess chroming, paint colour etc) though
notes that wire clamps are the preferred type for Brownie Points in a
head to head.
Another lister with Jaguar experience stated that worm drives were
mandatory and marks are deducted if 'Made in England' is not stamped
on the worm housing. Okay, it was a more expensive car.
All in all, an interesting and inconclusive cross-section of views. I
suppose the same principles of orginality would apply to rubber
suspension bushes and polyurethane alternatives so there is no need to
tread that path. Or is there?
Can any lister confirm whether any Triumph enthusiast has ever entered
a concours event with a sidescreen TR that exactly replicated its
appearance on leaving the factory for the docks on a transporter or
under its own power? Now that would be original <smile>
Thanks for the feedback.


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