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scuba gear works! (plus some engine questions)

To: "Boothroyd, Frank" <>
Subject: scuba gear works! (plus some engine questions)
From: David Massey <>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 11:32:04 -0500
Cc: "[unknown]" <>
Message text written by "Boothroyd, Frank"
>Hi.  So there I was in the shed, looking for a nail-free 2x4 with which to
>start whacking my oil pan off when I heard a thunk.  "Thunk" as many of
>probably know is the sound of a TR6 oil pan hitting the front cross frame
>member.  The 22 lb scuba weight belt worked!  It took about 24 hours of
>hanging there, but it worked.

Frank,  What you should have done was put your glasses (or something else
valuable) under the pan and then turned you back and said out loud "I'll be
back in five minutes to get those" and the pan would have popped off in 3
minutes.  ;-)

>So now for my serious questions.  I hope you folks don't mind, but I am
>REALLY new at this mechanical stuff.
>1.  Can I remove the main bearings and conrod bearings at the same time? 
>does one have to be done first?

I did mine one at a time. When changing a main bearing I loosened each
adjacent main but just enough to allow removal of the top half.  If you
take out all the mains the crank is supported by the oil seals.  Not good.

>2.  What's a "journal"?  (Is it the slot/area/depression the bearings fit

A journal is a periodical publication.  No.  Sorry.  A journal is a bearing
that moves or goes on a journey as do the big end of the pistion rods.

>3.  My factory manual warns "Do not permit the crankshaft to remain
>unsupported for longer than is necessary [while the main bearings are
>out]...".  Okay, fine.  But how do I support it?  Lord knows I'm
>it financially - I suspect that isn't enough, right?

When is it ever?  See #1 above.

Good luck and I have no clue as to what the metal bits are.


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