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Re: Attitude

Subject: Re: Attitude
From: Matt Ritter <>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:54:40 -0500
Cc: triumphs <>
References: <>
With over 6 million combat deaths and 14 million wounded, the Soviet
Union perhaps gave the most to World War 2.  It was deffinatly drained
the resources of Nazi Germany.

Sorry just had to add that, The Soviet Union never seemed to get enough

Matt Ritter

David Massey wrote:
> Message text written by "Michael Marr"
> >your statements about the US saving Britain and France are an
> over-simplification of what really happened.<
> Additionally, do not discount the contribution of the Soviet Union.  If
> Hitler had not double-crossed Stalin we may very well be wearing
> liederhosen today.
> Dave

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