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Re: Attitude

Subject: Re: Attitude
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 19:35:46 EST
In a message dated 11/28/2000 1:28:45 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< Americans are isolated. We have
 no threatening nations on our boarders. In Europe, the next nation is a
 state away. Imagine the south still being armed and independent.  >>

Isolated?  No threatening nations?  Come visit me on the border down south.  
The threats are economic, immigration, health, air quality, water polution, 
drugs, drug violence, car theft, burglery, train robbery and more!  

I really dont want to perpetrate these posts, but heck, I enjoy chasing 
rabbits occasionally.

As far as an armed and independent south...thank God we are still armed...and 
if you don't think we're independent, check the paper for stories about 
Florida!  Stupid perhaps, but independent.  And the stupidity has been helped 
along by the Yankee Lawyers invading (can you say Carpetbagger?).

RH...who was twelve before someone told him damn and yankee was two 
words....(apologies to my lattitude challenged friends in the north)

PS..anybody see the story about the Confederate Air Force going to change 
their name to be more Politically Correct? .....AAAHRRRGGGGHH!

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