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Re: Is pale yellow kind of greenish?

Subject: Re: Is pale yellow kind of greenish?
From: Dave Quirt <>
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 21:20:30 -0600

FWIW, the TR3A light yellow colour is very close to the Primrose Yellow
of the late '60s-early '70s MGs, perhaps a touch lighter. But definitely
without a greenish tint - at least in my eyes.

Dave Q.

> From John Middlesworth:
> My painter offered me up a sample of pale yellow (for a 3A) that he derived 
>from a 1959 Triumph paint chip.  Both the chip and the resulting sample seem 
>very slightly green to me.  The pale yellow cars in the Piggott TR2-3 book all 
>have more of a "buff" appearance.  Are there listers who have experience with 
>original pale yellow who can confirm the greenish tint I'm talking about?  Is 
>is possible that the paint chip changed color over the span of 40 years? <

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