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Blue Ridge Touring

To: "''" <>
Subject: Blue Ridge Touring
From: "Taffel, Sherman" <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 16:56:46 -0400charset="windows-1257"
Cc: "''" <>, "''" <>
Hi Martin:

Nice story about your Blue Ridge Adventures. Brought back TR  and
Jensen-Healey memories

Once (1970)in my TR4-on its second trip east from Oklahoma,  the float valve
stuck open-as we were being deluged by a torential thunderstorm near Natural
Bridge. A local couple put me up for the night in their trailer, and the
next morning with a nail file, we 'deburred' the jet needle where it was
hanging up. Got me to Baltimore and the old Triumph Dealer 'Berger Motors'.
Little did I know that 6 years later I'd be teaching a course in an old
school turned regional HQ around the corner from the Triumph dealer.

I have great photo( '76)of an early morning backpacking stove breakfast  at
a Blue Ridge scenic stop, with the Jensen-Healey. I recall using the  trunk
lid  as a 'kitchen counter' - set the little stove up on the FDR stone
ledge.  Great view, great ride, Great LBC's.

I had a Jag 4.2 with the 3 SU's after the TR, and your note about power to
spare also brought a chuckle memory. Aboutten years after I was driving a
friend up the Washington Monument Hill  by the Peabody Conservatory in
Baltimore. I was in my Honda Accord, and I said-, as I stalled the clutch: I
don't remember this hill being so steep'. He replied ' In the Jag-it


Sherman D. Taffel 
TR4 CT40054L
Columbia, MD

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