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Re: need tr6 wiring help (emissions)

To: "Graham Stretch" <>
Subject: Re: need tr6 wiring help (emissions)
From: David Massey <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 11:04:50 -0400
Cc: "[unknown]" <>, "Triumph List" <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Message text written by "Graham Stretch"
>Hi Jonathon
Brown with a yellow trace is generally associated with the charging



The brown with yellow has traditionally been used for the connection
between the generator (alternator) and the ammeter.  Since the 74 model
year does not have an ammeter the brown/yellow wire color code is now
available.  As I said in my previous post I do not have my manuals with me
but they may have used this color for the anti-run-on valve power feed from
the keyswitch (or to the oil pressure switch).

Though you would like to know.


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