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Re: Oh, yeah...

To: "Michael D. Porter" <>
Subject: Re: Oh, yeah...
From: David Massey <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 09:20:08 -0400
Cc: "[unknown]" <>, "[unknown]" <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Message text written by "Michael D. Porter"
>> > I've always wondered just how high a head would go if all the bolts
> > loose at once.

I think it depends upon how much help the head gets from the pistons and
rods.... Now, I did hear a trucker say that the engine (425 hp
Caterpillar) in his truck went while he was going downhill at 130 mph
and a piston and rod left the engine, went through the hood and kept on
going. Said he looked for it, but it went too far to find. (!)



Michael D. Porter

Boy, the things those guys will do to stay under the weight limit.


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