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Re: TR6 booster

Subject: Re: TR6 booster
From: "Lawrence G. Miceli" <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2000 21:07:04 -0400
I never saw your request for help on the booster, but I took my booster
to a shop in Ft.Lauderdale, and they had the diaphragm in stock. Had it
back in 3 days. Cost was about 90 bucks.

BTW, I have ALWAYS had many responses to my questions on even the most
esoteric questions. Some helpful, others not so, but I always appreciate
the fact that I get some answers. 

Larry Miceli
Pompano Beach, Florida
Gold Coast Triumph Club
 '73 Stag   *    '66 Herald   *   '69 Jaguar XKE FHC

On Sat, 10 Jun 2000 09:16:48 -0400 "Theodore R. Stevens"
<> writes:
> (not a flame): Realize, please, that MANY of us are on the digest, 
> so the
> messages often aren't even SENT to us until 8 - 24 hours after they 
> were
> written.  Many of the digests aren't sent until the wee hours of the
> morning (1 AM or so) so those of us who sleep won't see the messages 
> for a
> while longer.
> Now, regarding the brake booster: I recall a discussion on the list 
> from a
> while back about getting these rebuilt.  The consensus, from what I
> remember, was that a good truck (as in 18-wheeler) shop might have
> diaphragms that would work. You might want to check the list 
> archives at
> <>
> Ted Stevens
> Original message:
> Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 21:46:44 -0600
> From:
> Subject: TR6 Brake Booster Help? Yeah Right!!
> List,
> Rant Mode On:
> I want to thank ALL of those on the list that responded to my 
> request
> for help regarding my busted brake booster...wait a minute I only 
> got
> one response.
> [snip for brevity]
> Nomex underwear on, but don't bother cause I ain't answering posts
> either.
> Bud


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