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Re: Opinion Requested

To: "List Triumph" <>
Subject: Re: Opinion Requested
From: "Graham Stretch" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 21:31:04 -0000charset="iso-8859-1"
References: <>
Hi Brian
I too was a poor student when I found the joys of year round Triumph
motoring, (I have never done anything else) and though it doesn't snow very
often here 2 days last year not at all this year they do insist on throwing
that "£$$%%* salt stuff down. Just been out on a local trip and got salt
blasted (car wash tomorrow!). My opinion would be to carry on enjoying the
Triumph eventually they will all be gone and some will have enjoyed them
every day and others will have done but a few miles. Having said all that I
don't know if I could risk my cars every day in snow (might have to get a


----- Original Message -----
From: Brian Furgalus <>
To: wedge list <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 4:46 AM
Subject: Opinion Requested

> Hello All!
> As some of you may be aware, I am a poor high school student, and in a
> year or so, a poor college student.  I need to make a choice.  I'm
> driving an old Honda Civic in the winter and the TR7 in the summer, see
> sig., and while the Honda serves its purpose fairly well, it does NOT do
> well on the highway.  Probably a problem, since I'm going to be 4-5
> hours from home if I go to my school of choice (Ohio U, for all you
> Bobcats out there!)  I am contemplating harnessing the Beast into
> year-round daily service for the next 4-5 years.  I can hold off for one
> more season, but I'm going to have to either:
> A. sell the TR7 and take a $2500-$3000 loss AND sell the honda and buy a
> late-model car (NOT my first choice!)
> B. sell the honda and put that money into buying rims/snow tires and a
> removable hardtop for the TR7 and budget for many car washes and a
> Ziebarting touchup!
> What would you guys do?  I'm at my wits end trying to decide which way
> to go.  The TR7 is not rust-free.  It has some rust in the usual places,
> but unusually for TR7's, the floor and all associated suspension mounts
> are in great condition.  Most all the rust is cosmetic, and if it gets
> worse, will still be cosmetic.
> Help me decide if I'm insane for considering option B,
> Brian
> --
> 1981 TR7 DHC, the "Beast"
> Cleveland, Ohio, USA

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