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Re: Question?

To: Randall <>
Subject: Re: Question?
From: Malcolm Walker <>
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 14:09:31 -0800 (PST)
Cc: list <>, Mark J Bradakis <>
On Sat, 29 Jan 2000, Randall wrote:

> I can't find it spelled out anywhere (Mark, Malcolm, are you listening
> ???) but attachments are definitely a no-no on the lists.

I think there is a way to ask the majordomo software to spell out all the
restrictions, et al. for a particular mailing list.

However I wouldn't be surprised if Mark has shut off the service that
allows you to query the majordomo (there are thousands of email addresses
stored within it- do you want them becoming known to the spam-mongers?!

In addition, I think the majordomo is also set to limit the length of
messages posted to the list.  While you may think that's a little picture,
it can double in size when you send it.  And, some *very* annoying image
editors don't actually shrink an image when they make it smaller- they
just make it smaller (kinda like looking through the wrong end of
binoculars- it looks smaller, but it isn't)

> Not only does the list server strip them out, so that no one would see
> them anyway (AFAIK), but the bandwidth usage would be excessive,
> especially for those who pay for their Internet connection by the minute
> (and there are several people on the lists with this problem).

Also, not everyone is using the latest-greatest Windows Browser- I connect
to the college's massive (yet somewhat ancient) DEC Alpha through a modem
dialup.  I am using a student account.  Student accounts can NOT receive
pictures, attachments, et al. (not 100% true- I can receive them, I just
can't do anything with them when they arrive)

> If you have a file that you feel might be of general interest, but no
> web site to put it on, the accepted method is to post a message
> describing your file, and asking for off-list responses from anyone who
> wants a copy.  You wait a week or so, collecting all the responses, and
> then email the file directly to those who have requested a copy.

Or, get thee one of those god-awful Free Web Sites.  Or find someone who
has server space to spare.

* There is a FAQ for this list!  Its new home is:

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