Jim :
I can't find it spelled out anywhere (Mark, Malcolm, are you listening
???) but attachments are definitely a no-no on the lists.
Not only does the list server strip them out, so that no one would see
them anyway (AFAIK), but the bandwidth usage would be excessive,
especially for those who pay for their Internet connection by the minute
(and there are several people on the lists with this problem).
If you have a file that you feel might be of general interest, but no
web site to put it on, the accepted method is to post a message
describing your file, and asking for off-list responses from anyone who
wants a copy. You wait a week or so, collecting all the responses, and
then email the file directly to those who have requested a copy.
59 TR3A daily driver
Jim wrote:
> I haven't been on this list very long, and I'm wondering why I never see
> any attachments, only urls to go to....any reason for this?
> Thanks,
> Jim
> '67 TR4a