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Re: oil/water guage combo

Subject: Re: oil/water guage combo
From: John Dowson <>
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 15:12:28 +0100
The MG Midget uses that type of gauge.

Note that it is capillary temp sensor so an adaptor will be required
at the sensor end but these are readily available.

In the UK these gauges are manufactured by Caerbont who have 
the licence to use the Smiths name and design, they are available
with chrome or black bezels.

A very similar series of gauges are also manufactured in the UK
by Racetech (I think) and they have more options on connections,
scale ranges etc

Hope this helps

John Dowson

At 09:31 AM 7/7/1999 -0400, wrote:
>  Hi List! 
>            Just a quick question......When I restored my 68/69 Spit years 
>ago, I found a guage in the shop where I worked that had both the water temp 
>and the oil pressure guage in the same unit. This ment that I could add a 
>guage without adding another hole. Does anyone know what car that guage may 
>have come from? We took everything from jags to jensons apart there so I dont 
>know what it could have come from.I know it was British. I think it was a 
>Smiths and it worked great. If I knew where to look .......
>             Thanks in advance for the info.

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