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Re: oil/water guage combo

Subject: Re: oil/water guage combo
From: Chris DeStaffany <>
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 09:38:19 -0700
Try this.

At 09:31 AM 7/7/99 EDT, you wrote:
>  Hi List! 
>            Just a quick question......When I restored my 68/69 Spit years 
>ago, I found a guage in the shop where I worked that had both the water temp 
>and the oil pressure guage in the same unit. This ment that I could add a 
>guage without adding another hole. Does anyone know what car that guage may 
>have come from? We took everything from jags to jensons apart there so I dont 
>know what it could have come from.I know it was British. I think it was a 
>Smiths and it worked great. If I knew where to look .......
>             Thanks in advance for the info.

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