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Re: Sorry-TR3 not for sale YET!

To: Brad Kahler <>
Subject: Re: Sorry-TR3 not for sale YET!
From: Alan Myers <>
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 23:24:26 -0700
Organization: Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate
References: <>
Brad, please leave one small mouth TR3 or a TR2 for me, would you? Oh,
and a GT6, too. Everything else I want is non-TR, so I won't have to
worry about you with those!

Alan Myers

Brad Kahler wrote:
> >Gee Winnie,
> >Thanks for turning me in to the list...
> >Really, guys, I only wanted to TALK to the owner... REALLY!  ;-)
> As his nose grows longer and longer and ..........!
> >Anyway, with Brad in need of a boat or plane to get stateside again, who
> >else is around to save our forlorn Triumphs???  ;-)
> I'll have you know that even from way out here I STILL am saving Triumphs.  
>As a
> matter of fact I just recently saved two more TR3s from the scrap heap!  Of
> course I had a stateside presense in the form of Ken Gano to handle the 
> BUT I may strike at any time and any place.  So those of you with TR's in need
> of rescue, there is hope yet.  If Henry can't take care of you I can!!
> >Henry "Busted Again" Frye
> Probably much deserved I might add........................!!
> Brad
> (Triumphetless in the central Pacific)


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