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Re: Bonnet Release

To: "" <>, TR List <>, "TR: Dan Masters" <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Subject: Re: Bonnet Release
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 15:05:34 -0400
>   Boys, boys... I have watched this thread with some amusement.
>    what you seem to be looking for is a positive back-up system to get
>    that bonnet open... Right?

Or we could use the the technique that the hot rodders use to get their 
hoods open: NO HOODS!

>    Have you thought about a handy dandy device that is a wonder of
>    space age technology gauranteed to get what's closed  opened in
>    a hurry?
>    It has worked in numerous applications for NASA and with all the
>   cut-backs in the space program, you may be able to get them
>   cheap as surplus.

Yeah, I bought a box the last time I bought a JATO for the VTR autocross.

>   I'm talkin' EXPLOSIVE BOLTS here, baby. Just think about it.
>   Your Bonnet cable snaps, just flip up the convenient cover
>   enabling switch and press the button beneath... Blooey!  Bonnet
>   open! There's no messing with cutting big holes in the body tub. A
>   simple electric ciucuit does the trick!  :*)..................
>Greg "just tryn' ta be helpful" Petrolati

Thanks, with help like this I can really go places.

>Greg Petrolati Champaign, Illinois

Dave Massey, St. Louis, MO

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