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RE: Prep for POR-15?

To: "'John E. Allen'" <JALLEN/0001060003@MCIMAIL.COM>
Subject: RE: Prep for POR-15?
From: "Winnie Olmer" <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 19:10:12 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: <>
Comments: SoVerNet Verification (on from [], 16 Jun 1999 19:12:58 -0400 (EDT)
Importance: Normal
Been gone a couple days... new job

The thread on Corroless and POR15 has been great! I'm glad to hear about the
"Corroless success stories". I'll stick with the Corroless I already bought.
Hopefully it sticks as well!

Sounds like Ras'o'nil and Extend are probably pretty much the same stuff. I
used Extend years ago. If I remember correctly, it is a milky white liquid
with the consistency of water. It dries to a hard black thin finish. I'm
looking at the finish right now.. in the living room! About four years ago I
used Extend on two  24" lengths of 1 1/2" threaded iron pipe, three 90's,
two street 90's, two short nipples and two flanges. Put them all together,
bolt it to the wall, attach a piece of mahogany and voila... you have an
articulating arm able to carry a 15" monitor, keyboard and mouse. I have two
teenage kids who "live" on the net when home. It's pretty amazing how often
we access the net as a resource since it is always right there at our
fingertips. Anyway... I digress... Back to Triumphs.

'72 TR6

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of John E. Allen
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 9:35 PM
To: Andy; triumphs
Subject: RE: Prep for POR-15?

This sounds exactly what was recommended to me, but the difference was
using "Extend" rather than "Ras'o'nil"...and then Corroless...but I'll bet
that the results are about the same. Both of the products are liquid enough
to get into the small areas...

I wonder if Eastwood would make a definite statement on  using Corroless
over either of these products??


-----Original Message-----
From: Andy
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 7:08 PM
To: triumphs
Subject: Re: Prep for POR-15?

I'm with you, I said this in a message earlier but my "Free Mail" ((TM) for

the Copyright police) seems to have a problem with multiple addressees.
I use "Ras'O'Nil"(TM) it's thin enough that I can brush it on or use a
bottle from "Home Depot" (TM) (smells like acid) then I paint it with
"Corroless"(TM). I did the TR6 chassis last year and nothing has come

On 06/15/99 08:50 PM Skip Montanaro said...
>There was mention of prep solutions for POR-15.  I seem to recall
>acid as being a primary ingredient.  Would Naval Jelly be a decent
>alternative?  H2PO4 (if I remember my H.S. chemistry correctly) is the
>active ingredient in Naval Jelly, right?
>Skip Montanaro     |
>  |

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