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TR3 Rod Bearing Clearance Problem-Resolved

Subject: TR3 Rod Bearing Clearance Problem-Resolved
From: Jeff A Williamson <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 12:56 -0500
Hop-count: 1
Thanks to all who responded on my rod bearing clearance problem. One of you 
nailed the problem right away. It turns out that the connecting rods were 
mis-matched with the caps. I never bothered to check this, because I put the 
caps back on the same rods they came from. The only thing I can figure is that 
they were mis-matched before I dis-assembled the engine. This engine had 
obviously been re-built before, and had been rebuilt with a standard crank and 
bearings, so there was probably enough previous wear on the crank to eliminate 
any clearance problem because of mis-matched caps. With the rods matched with 
the right caps, the clearance problem is gone! So beware, those of you who may 
be attemting a rebuild in the future, matching the caps to the rods is 
apparently VERY important !!!

Thanks again.

Jeff Williamson
Belleville, MI
'58 TR3A
'60 TR3A

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