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Gettin' Ready for a trip in one of the LBC's

Subject: Gettin' Ready for a trip in one of the LBC's
From: Peggy Bohler <>
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 19:18:22 -0700
Hi Carolyn & Rick

We're gettin ready to head 'em up & move 'em out tomorrow.
David washed the MG and is waxing it.  
I'm washing the Spridgets shirts.  

Got the TR home.  David & I washed it and cleaned the inside.  Then he
sanded the light rust spots & drained the oil & bought a new battery &
ordered the new oil filter and air filter.  The filters will be in by the
time we get back & then he can look at the rest of the stuff - including
the brakes (which we understand needed work).
I think the steer & ram hated to see us take the car away.  <G>  
It sure looks cool in my driveway though!  

We were talking a bit about money and I told David if it looked like it was
going to be too pricey to get driveable I could always put a for sale sign
on it - and his response was something like "AND DEPRIVE ME OF THE FUN OF
WORKING ON IT?"  Obviously this man needs a car to work on AT ALL TIMES!  

Hope you have a great weekend & week.  I may go into Email withdrawal by
the time we get back.  
Happy Motoring,

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  • Gettin' Ready for a trip in one of the LBC's, Peggy Bohler <=