Unfortunately, the first 100 TR6 body shells were quite a bit different
from the original shells. Morover, the were shipped without adequate
support, and as a result, often ended up twisted or dameged in various
ways. BMIH has reqorked the tooling on the TR6 shells, and claim that
the new ones are much better. The also ship the unit on a frame that
must be returned (there's a deposit).
It sounds like they needed to do a better QC on the units before they
made a bunch. Maybe they would have sold more by now.
William Davies wrote:
> Hi Odd,
> With all due respect, I was led to believe that BMH made an initial
> batch of 100 TR6 bodyshells after considerable investment in new tooling,
> as up to 60% of the original tooling was lost/destroyed. It took several
> years to sell the initial 100, in fact I was surprised to read that 250
> had now been sold!
> The sad fact is that whereas most of the MG tooling was retained by
> the Rover Group (or whatever it was called at the time), much of the
> Triumph tooling was sold off or destroyed. Did you know that the
> aftermarket outriggers and doorskins for the Herald and Vitesse, which
> are made by LMC, are actually pressed using original Triumph press tools?
> And the GT6 bonnet top tools were apparently privately owned for many
> years by an individual who had a "difference of opinion" with BMH, which
> is why it took so long to see new bonnets for the GT6 Mk3. I also
> understand that much of the Spitfire tooling is lost, and the TR7/8
> tooling went to Japan (no, I don't understand why either!).
> I feel that BMH took a great risk on the TR6 bodyshell, where unlike
> the MGB, supply turned out to be greater than the demand. Are you aware
> how long the prospective purchaser had to wait to get a new MG bodyshell
> when they were first released? If BMH had seen a better return on their
> investment in the TR6 shell, I suspect we would have seen more Triumph
> shells remanufactured. Perhaps a Spitfire shell would have been a better
> choice as their first Triumph shell?
> Not a flame, just a little information not greatly publicised in
> Triumph circles,
> Best regards,
> Bill.
> Odd Hedberg wrote:
> > Friends on the Triumph lists,
> > I guess this proves what we've been suspecting/saying about
> > the British Motor "MG Heritage" all along, doesn't it?
> > More than ten times as many B's as 6's!!!
> > And more than five times as many Midgets as 6's...
> >
> > Where are the Spitfire/GT6 bodies, where are the Herald/Vitesse
> > bodies, where are the TR7/8 bodies?
> > - And where are the Big Healey bodies?
> > No wonder it's called MG Heritage...
> >
> > Anyone care to comment? If this starts a flame war, please
> > direct the flames towards MG Heritage, not me - or any other
> > true Triumph follower...
> > /Odd
> >
> > Dave Simpson wrote to the Triumph and Spitfire lists:
> > > To List
> > > FWIW, I just read in Mini Mania's catalog that BMH has produced:
> > > 2750 MGB bodies
> > > 1350 MG Midget Bodies
> > > 250 TR6 bodies
> > >
> > > and will start producing Mini Mk1 body shells,
> > > just some interesting info to pass around.
> > > Dave Simpson
> > > NE OHIO
> >
> > --
> > Odd Hedberg
> > Pomonagatan 4
> > S-74236 Östhammar International liaison secretary,
> > Sweden Triumph Club of Sweden
> > '70 Spitfire Mk3 FD82497LO Signal Red
> > '80 TR8 EFi DHC TPZDV8AT211468 Midas Gold
> > E-mail: odd@triumphclub.se / odd.hedberg@bigfoot.com
> > Club URL: http://www.triumphclub.se/index.htm
> > Home Phone/Fax: Int+ 46-1731 7131 / 46-1731 8131
> > Geographical Position: N 60deg 15min E 18deg 23min
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> This Message sent by:
> ^================^
> / \ William Davies
> / \ Total Triumph Enthusiast
> __ __________________ __
> / \ ______ ______ / \ 1959 Herald 948 Coupe 1st Batch!!!
> \__/ \ || / \__/ 1959 Herald 948 Coupe
> | A \____||____/ A | 1960 Herald 948 Saloon Export
> | = H H = | 1964 Herald 1200 Saloon
> =====U==============U===== 1966 Herald 1200 Convertible
> \________________________/ 1959 Standard Atlas Pickup
> | | | | 1973 Spitfire MkIV
> |_| |_|
George Richardson
'57 TR3, TS15559L - finally painting!