Just relation to the Dr. Irwin Corey of TV fame? Sorry
had to ask.
Anyway, too lean you think? I'll put that on the list of things to try...Thanks
Bought the header almost two years ago, will have to trace down the paperwork.
The pipes don't way much, couldn't have been too bad. The Jet Hot coating,
now that was kinda pricey, but looks Mahhhvelous
Thanks again
Chris Prugh
72 Spitfar
Morgan Hill, CA
From: Irv Korey[]
Sent: Monday, February 23, 1998 3:32 PM
To: Chris Prugh
> the 4-2-1 from TriumphTune/Moss England. (Bolted right
up, in case you were wondering). Using the Weber DGV, which was tuned to
perfection before the header (passed smog). Now, I can't get the pig to
run for sh*t. All timing the same, running the Crane electronic ignition.
No changes at all, 'cept for the damn header
> Help me listers....where do I go from here?
you may be running too lean due to the improved flow through the engine
from the header.
how much was the freight for the header? i have wanted to get one.
Irv Korey
74 TR6 CF22767U
66 TR4A CT52499
Highland Park, IL