> Charlie Brown suggested another trick for bolting down the center
> housing (which I did
> not need to use) -- and that is to find another long bolt the same
> size as the diff
> studs, file its end to a taper, and use it for locating your bolt-ups.
> In any case, allow some time for the job, and be kinder and gentler
> while you do it.
> --
> Martin Secrest
> 73 GT6
> 74 Spitfire
Am I missing something here. My diff had six studs that protrude far
enough that once the spring is aligned and the center pin is in place,
the retaining plate just dropped in place. Of course after torquing the
new nylock nuts down it compressed the spring further. Did I do
something wrong? It all seemed so straight forward when I was doing it.
Larry Zink
1964 Spitfire4