Been there, dun that. My problem turned out to be the switch. I took it
apart and cleaned up the gunk on the contacts and all was well. Hope this
simple solution works for you too.
Vic Whitmore
76 Triumph Spitfire
Thornhill, Ontario
> From: Dee Jackson <>
> To:
> Subject: J type O/D ambivalence
> Date: Wednesday, October 29, 1997 8:32 AM
> Fellow Triumphiles,
> This morning, nearing the end of my usual 35 mile drive to work, I
> turned off the o/d switch (while in 4th) to find that the o/d would not
> immediately disengage as it normally does. It seemed to want to hunt
> for whether it wanted to be in or out, even with the switch off.
> Reaching my exit, I downshifted to third and, as the rpms decreased, it
> finally got completely out of o/d (I think). Leaving from the
> stoplight, it runs thru the gears normally, so I flick the switch on and
> it goes into o/d. Turn it off and it hunts again. I have now parked in
> the lot here (in a forward facing direction, of course, don't want to
> risk blowing it up by putting it in reverse) and will try it again at
> lunch.
> I believe it has plenty of lube as I cleaned the screen a couple of
> weeks ago and drained/refilled in the process. My best guess is that
> either the solenoid is not completely shutting off the flow of oil, or
> that the relief valve has something funky going on. The gearbox and
> o/d were rebuilt about a year ago and I'm running GL4 oil.
> Anybody out there know why this happens? TIA for any advice you can
> offer.
> D.
> '78 Spit
> FM90204UOh, no
> --
> Dee Jackson
> Gilbarco Inc. Greensboro NC
> Ph 910-547-5007 Fax 910-547-5234 email