It is probably the switch and not the trans. I had the same problem with a
78 Spit. I ended up relocating the switch to the dash after blowing three
switches. Try tinkering with the switch first, wiggle it and move it
around and see if this helps. Good Luck
John Peacock
80 TR8
80 TR7 Spider 16v project
former owner of 5 Spits, or maybe it was 4
> From: Dee Jackson <>
> To:
> Subject: J type O/D ambivalence
> Date: Wednesday, October 29, 1997 5:32 AM
> Fellow Triumphiles,
> This morning, nearing the end of my usual 35 mile drive to work, I
> turned off the o/d switch (while in 4th) to find that the o/d would not
> immediately disengage as it normally does. It seemed to want to hunt
> for whether it wanted to be in or out, even with the switch off.
> Reaching my exit, I downshifted to third and, as the rpms decreased, it
> finally got completely out of o/d (I think). Leaving from the
> stoplight, it runs thru the gears normally, so I flick the switch on and
> it goes into o/d. Turn it off and it hunts again. I have now parked in
> the lot here (in a forward facing direction, of course, don't want to
> risk blowing it up by putting it in reverse) and will try it again at
> lunch.
> I believe it has plenty of lube as I cleaned the screen a couple of
> weeks ago and drained/refilled in the process. My best guess is that
> either the solenoid is not completely shutting off the flow of oil, or
> that the relief valve has something funky going on. The gearbox and
> o/d were rebuilt about a year ago and I'm running GL4 oil.
> Anybody out there know why this happens? TIA for any advice you can
> offer.
> D.
> '78 Spit
> FM90204UOh, no
> --
> Dee Jackson
> Gilbarco Inc. Greensboro NC
> Ph 910-547-5007 Fax 910-547-5234 email