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Re: Books wanted

To: Justin Wagner <>
Subject: Re: Books wanted
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 19:01:30 -0700
Cc: Dave Rupert <>, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Curry Enterprises
References: <> <>
Justin Wagner wrote:

> I wholeheartedly DISAGREE with this comment.  Haynes has the best
> pictures of all the manuals I have seen.  (i.e. pictures of an actual
> OLD TRIUMPH being dismantled...)  And they use simpler language.
> Suggesting the book is only good for cleaning up oil spills is
> ludicrous.  The key is to have BOTH books... and reference them both.
> While I agree with many of your points, the HAYNES manual is what got me
> started on my first TR 4A in 1977... I didn't have a "factory" manual
> until many years later, as it was not available. If it had been the
> other way around, I may have been intimidated by the factory manual, and
> may not have dived in as deep as I did... time and time again.  Anyone
> getting into their first TRiumph should own BOTH of these manuals.
> Wipe up the oil spills with something else.

I agree with you, Justin.  I have managed quite well to do a complete
body-off restoration of my '63 Spit without the help of anything but the
Haynes manual.

I have both the Spit and the GT6 books.  I bought the GT6 one at a used
book store for about $2.50.  I have found that the GT6 book has a few
pointers that are helpful on the Spit but not contained in the Spit
maunal.  THe most significant one is how to fabricate a tool for
installing the Door Glass rubber seal and Fuzzy inner seal.

Joe Curry  '63 Spit

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