If you hunt in the yellow pages for performance parts stores call them
and ask if they sell racing fuel. If you run your tank down and put a few
gallons in it should pass. The place I bought fuel in Florida sold lots of
gas to "Tote the Note" dealers when needing to pass the emmisions test to
sell a car. Not to start a big debate but racing fuel will burn cleaner than
pump gas.
My preference is the leaded fuel of either 105 or 110 octane. They usually
sell unleaded as well in the 105 range if you are an avid tree hugger;-). My
favorite mix if 5 gal. of 105-110 leaded and top off the tank with Super
Shell. No black tailpipes and the valves are treated for quite a few miles..
Good Luck,
Richard Ceraldi
71 Spitfire MKIV FK9365L
Austin, TX