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Re: Heater pipe repair - TR3

To:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Heater pipe repair - TR3
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 97 14:09:14 -0400

Henry, and the others who made similar comments,

You're right. I had looked (not very well) through the Moss catalog, and 
concluded that this was a hard to get part. Before looking in the catalog I 
thought I remembered comments to the effect that one had to buy the whole 
assembly, and when I looked in the cooling system area, there was nothing there.

In future I will apply extra diligence. I have, however, learned something about
JB Weld, which will likely come in handy later.

Jim (who also doesn't like being stranded) Wallace
60 TR3 TS81417

------------------------------------------------------------- wrote: 
> Item Subject: cc:Mail Text

>      Extending to the right from the "water tap" at the top rear of the 
>      cylinder head on my TR3, is a length of metal pipe maybe 5 inches
>      long, 
You are talking about a $10.00 part. I would have no piece of mind 
whatsoever using any type of repair on this pipe. I can just see myself 
200 miles from home enjoying a beautiful day, when I suddenly smell 
antifreeze. I stop, look under the bonnet to see another pinhole has 
developed. Now what? 
That $10.00 seems REAL inexpensive now! 
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 Henry Frye            E-mail - 

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