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Re: Triple SU's/FI

To: Andrew Mace <>
Subject: Re: Triple SU's/FI
From: "Chris Lillja" <Chris_Lillja@Pupress.Princeton.Edu>
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 14:49:46 EST
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Princeton University Press
References: <>
> On Thu, 16 Oct 1997, Chris Lillja wrote:
> > Triple SU's came on a special Austrailian version of the big sedan -- 
> > the 2500MD (or was it a 2000MD?)-- saw an article in Triumph World... 
> 2000MD (stood for Managing Director).
> Nice looking setup, as is Richard Good's setup -- much more
> impressive-looking than a FI setup, I think! :-)
> --Andy

I agree Andy! Like "three duces" on a V8!

BTW somone mentioned the Total Advance guy (I called him 
because he has a Cosworth Vega engine for sale, thought it 
might look good in my Spit)...his system looks great but he said he's 
having trouble getting enough prepaid orders to make the tuned runner 

The triple HS6's would have to be the cost effective set up....I 
doubt many mods would be required, it's not nearly as radical as 
triple Webers and they run fine once set up properly....

Christopher M.Lillja
Marketing Associate
Princeton University Press
Tel:609 258 4900
Fax:609 258 6305

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