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TR4 Sold

Subject: TR4 Sold
From: Craig Richburg <>
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 10:24:19 -0400
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Doc "Don't Take No Shit" writes:

Congratulations, you figured it out.  Now try this one.

All models to 1950-1968 LUCAS NOS PARTS.
Electrical I have recently purchased a huge inventory of LUCAS NOS parts
for TR2, TR3, TR250, etc. Some really rare pieces including Switches,
lens, Flashers, turn signals, generator parts, you name it. If you can't
find parts anywhere else-give me a try! Also parts for other British
cars 1940-1975. wrote:
> And we await your next idiotic post with great aniticipation.
> What'll it be this time?
> Maybe a $22,000.00 Herald Saloon?
> By the way, you should have placed a comma before AND after the word
> therefore.  Or did they not teach you that in Med School?
> ---
> Harris
> '59 Bugeye Sprite -- Buick V6 powered!
> '60 TR3A -- TS67621 L
> Craig Richburg wrote:
> > Goodmorning,
> >
> > I see that the excitement around my former TR continues.   Thanks to all
> > of the "common folk" who responded negatively to my threads. The car has
> > sold therefore, you can stop running the ad.
> >
> > Looking forward to my next thread.
> --

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