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Re: TR4 Sold

To: Craig Richburg <>
Subject: Re: TR4 Sold
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 19:48:46 -0700
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <>
And we await your next idiotic post with great aniticipation.
What'll it be this time?
Maybe a $22,000.00 Herald Saloon?
By the way, you should have placed a comma before AND after the word
therefore.  Or did they not teach you that in Med School?
'59 Bugeye Sprite -- Buick V6 powered!
'60 TR3A -- TS67621 L

Craig Richburg wrote:

> Goodmorning,
> I see that the excitement around my former TR continues.   Thanks to all
> of the "common folk" who responded negatively to my threads. The car has
> sold therefore, you can stop running the ad.
> Looking forward to my next thread.


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