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Re: Fast TR-6

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Fast TR-6
From: Eric Kieboom <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 1997 19:09:18 -0100
At 14:56 12-06-97 -0400, wrote:

>I've finally seen the light and will no longer pay those outrageous
>prices, tire costs and insurance premiums. My GT6+ provides the same thrills
>and the insurance company doesn't know a Weber carb from a Weber kettle! So I
>can get away with a lot more hp per insurance dollar.

I agree.

Just one question, though: what do you say to your insurance company if/when
you really need them?

Eric 'that's not a Weber carb, it's a Weber kettle!' Kieboom
The Netherlands
('77 Spit 1500, twin SU HS4's)

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