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Brake Fittings

To: Triumphs List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Brake Fittings
From: David M Brock <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 1997 13:03:45 -0400 (EDT)
I am replacing the brake lines on the rear of my Spit, and have run into a
difficulty, I hope someone can advise...

In the process of getting the old flex hoses off, I've destroyed the lines
on either side of them, and now need to replace (if they were that brittle
in the first place, I'm glad I found out this way)

I got some standard brake lines- and found male fittings at each end. (If
you've done this, you know about the "Tube Nuts" on the end- the fittings
that look like a little cone on the female end)  I called another place,
and they didn't know what the "Tube Nut" fittings were. Can anyone else
support me on this?

If I use the M-M pipes, and use a F-F bushing to connect, am I going out
on a limb that I shouldn't be on?

Also, it's a '73 Spitfire, and the supplier told me that the lines that go
from the flex hose to the cylinder were 18" long.  The ones I took off
were only 11-12", and they made it all the way around the inside of the
hub, the way they're supposed to.  Are the guy's inches smaller than mine,
or did I have the wrong part on to begin with???

David Brock                 

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