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Re: Fast TR-6

To: "" <> (Return requested), "" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net> (Return requested)
Subject: Re: Fast TR-6
From: "Lindberg, Andrew (MN12)" <>
Date: 12 Jun 1997 08:22:33 -0500
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"Does anyone else have a list of cars that that they identify as "danger 
cars" which may do just anything, and are a threat to the personal sheet 
metal?  Here's my list:
"1.  Volvos (those people tend to be just oblivious)
"2. Family vans (almost as bad as number one)
"3.  Conversion Vans
"4. Broncos & those kind of "sport trucks"
"5  Big Old Station Wagon
"Caddies, Caprices, LTD's, etc. with little old ladies are way down the 
list.  With little old men in them, they move up several spots."

Please exempt Volvo 122's from your position of honor.  I think we pre-brick 
cars should be accorded special status.

Andy Lindberg (122 and TR3 owner)
 -- but I agree with you on the other Couch Potato Vehicles -- minivans, 
sport utes, etc.

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