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An innocent question

To: "'Triumphs'" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: An innocent question
From: "Johnston, Leif" <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 1997 15:20:20 -0400
As a new initiate into the halls of TRdom - tell me where to go if such
a place exists with minimal flames  . . . 

I just bought a 62 TR4 with a less than elegant eletrical system.  The
more I probe the more wires I find melted or exposed.

But the car ran well when I bought it.  First time I turned the key
sparks came out an now the key has no apparent effect.  It seemsas
though one lead out of the ignition switch was a fusible link(?) and it
is worse for the wear.

Any suggestions on how best to hot wire it so my wife doesn't think I am
a total lunatic?  I don't totally understand the electrical
system(positve ground?) and the interupt between the battery and starter
seem to be cracked at least.

Do I need to do more that touch the contact on the solenoid to a battery
lead?  Do I have to bypass that electro  gadget in the way on the
battery to starter?

Thanks from anewbie struglling to make an impression.

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