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U-Joint replacement

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: U-Joint replacement
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 97 9:15:08 -0400
Organization: Symbol Technologies
Hey All,

        I replaced the u-joints in the prop-shoft of the TR6 this weekend.  Got 
the cups in just fine without dislodging any of the needles (except for 
the cup that feel to the floor, but a nice recovery was made so we won't 
talk about that one).

        Now I'm trying to press the cups together enough to get both circular 
clips to seat themselves, and I'm not having much luck.  I only got one 
set of clips to seat, and now the u-joint is a bit stiff.  NOT STUCK, but 
stiff.  It moves less freely than without both circular clips installed.

        The u-joints came from TRF.  I forget the manufacture, but they were in 
a green box.


1) How much pressure should one have to apply to squeeze the cups 
together so that both clips seat?

2) How stiff should the u-joints be after both clips have seated?

3) It there a place to get thinner circular clips?

        What have your experiences been out there?  I'm worried about doing the 


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