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Re: Spedometer reconditioning

To: Barry Schwartz <>
Subject: Re: Spedometer reconditioning
From: Daniel Pruzan <>
Date: Wed, 04 Jun 1997 08:48:15 -0400
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Nielsen Engineering and Research
References: <>
Barry Schwartz wrote:
> I remember a while back some talk about some of you getting your
> spedometers reconditioned.  Well now it's my turn.  The GT6 spedo (Smiths)
> is in need, actually I have a couple of them.  Can you *satisfied*
> customers give me an address, e-mail or otherwise, of a reputable outfit
> that does this sort of thing.
> Thanks -
> Barry Schwartz in San Diego,CA
> 72-V6 Spitfire ( 5 speed's mounted, working on tranny cover )
> 70 GT6+ (daily driver for now)
> 70 Spitfire (body repair on hold see above)


I had Nisonger Instruments in NY (914-381-1952) rebuild my speedometer 
and they did a fine job for about $100.  I also sent them my 
disfunctional electronic tachometer which they said was working fine on 
their bench and charged me $20 for that.  When I got the tach back and 
installed it in the car it was still not working properly.  Eventually I 
brought the tach to Palo Alto Speedometer (415-323-0243) who did fix the 
unit for about $80 (bad circuit board).  I was happy with their work on 
the tach and assume they do good spedometer work, but I have no first 
hand experience with the latter.

Good Luck

Dan Pruzan
71 Stag
Santa Clara, CA

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