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Re: Phony Sportscar!

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Phony Sportscar!
From: "Scott E. Ashton" <>
Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 21:43:45 -0700
Organization: InfiNet
References: <016CE3377558A176*/c=US/admd=ATTmail/prmd=gov+dot/o=faa/s=Mchugh/g=Peter/@MHS>
Peter Mchugh wrote:
>      The explanation is have a real sports car!  They don't
>      build such a thing in Japan...and only barely on the continent.
>      BTW, what did you mean "If the sun is bright, the top is outta sight"?
>      What do you think 4th gear, 3500 RPM and the windshield are for???
>      Cheers!
>      PMcQ
>      76 Spitfire
>      73 TR-6

there are few pleasures as sweet as giving some Miata owner an indignant
cold shoulder when he waves when we pass, or pulling up beside one and
giving her just enough throttle, so that the Monza exhaust drowns out
his pop disco.


  Scott E. Ashton        ____       _  
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