Is there anyone out there that has had experience with putting S.U. HS8
carbs on a TR6...I've done some performance mods...and to top it all off
I'm going to switch to the HS8's for more flow. What I'm wondering is what
you used for Needle's and Jet's and piston springs and the like....If
anyone has done such a thing then your help would be greatly appreciated.
Or if you have a lot of knowledge about S.U.'s and can give me an idea
about how the needles and jets work as far as how to tell if a needle will
provide a rich or lean mixture, I can work from there and figure out a good
setup that will work. I would prefer not to try the trial and error method
because the needles are 5 bucks a pop.
Aaron Johnson
72 TR6 CC84967U (made mostly from CC56606E)