I am resubmitting this question for discussion, as in my ignorance I had
originally sent it with a mailer not recognized by majordomo. Therfore, the
subject line showed a submission from a non-member and since I always delete
those without reading, I assume everyone else does too.
I was told many years ago that a volvo transmission would fit a TR4A with
very little trouble because they were made at the same factory. Or something
like that. Something about redrilling a couple of holes in the bell housing.
The guy seemed to know everything about triumphs and at his acreage, had
more triumphs than I had ever seen in one place and some models I'ld never
even heard of.
My second car was '60 Volvo, my third car, purchased in '75 was the TR4A I
still have. The Volvo shifted quickly and smoothly, the TR slowly and all
too often, loudly, with much vibration through the wrist and forearm. Seems
to me third gear is inherently weak as I've broken it four times. I realize
shifting slowly would have avoided the problems but try to imagine a
"stimulated" teanager, rat racing a buddy in a hopped up 351 mustang and
keeping up with him. I don't drive like an impatient teenager anymore but
the trany still remembers.
in Canada it's called a TR4-eh
Rod Knox
Accumap Services Ltd.
1234 Union Road
Victoria, B.C., Canada
V8P 2J6
Tel: (604) 380-9600
Fax: (604) 380-9577
Internet rknox@horizon.bc.ca