I'm still plugging away with my TR4. In the last episode I asked for advice
about bunged up water passages around cylinders 3 & 4, and got plenty of
useful responses. You will be pleased to know that I flushed out the system &
cleared the engine drain tap passage. I poked it with a bit of wire, & sure
it was pretty solid. I thought I had drained the engine, but suddenly it all
gave way & a Niagra Falls like flow ensued. The bottom line is that the heater
has started working again - thanks folks. If & when the engine gets rebuilt,
I'll boil the block out.
I have a question about the rear brakes, specifically the hand brake mechanism.
The handbrake cable pulls on the compensator which in turn pulls on the cables
which act on the levers on the drums. Now, I tightened up the longer run
a little, but I've upset the bias slightly as the lever on one side barely
moves to lock the drum. whilst the other has a movement of about a 1/4 inch.
The footbrake is ok & I tried to adjust the rear shoes as per the book - the
drums just touch the shoes on the high spot, so I can rotate the wheels by hand
fairly easily. The car stops square on the footbrake. I'm missing something
here - time for new shoes? I confess I didnt look too closely as I only
realised something was amiss at the end of the day.
My question is this: how are the rear shoes & handbrake system set up from 1st
Finally Paraffin (UK) = Kerosene (US). Paraffin used to be very cheap years ago,
not so now & was used as fuel, solvent & cleaner, etc.
Regards, Adrian + TR4