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Re: TRF TR6/250 Summer Newsletter

To: (Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626)
Subject: Re: TRF TR6/250 Summer Newsletter
From: (Irv Korey)
Date: Tue, 7 May 1996 15:11:28 -0700
You wrote: 

>I received TRF's TR6/TR250 sale newsletter yesterday, and as I read 
>it, I'm beginning to feel that TRF is getting increasingly out of 
>touch with the typical Triumph owner, or me, at least.
>First off, all that Aviation Society junk is kind of embarassing. I 
>wish they would concentrate on reducing backorders and forget all the 
>regalia for some non-existent society. And the more I see being spent 
>on the Inn and on this stuff, the more I think is being tacked on to 
>the prices of parts, albeit a small bit.

>Also, who would buy a tatty TR250 for $18,000???? I couldn't believe 
>it! Oh, I mean TR5, sorry. Of course, the PI bits are off of it, but 
>they'll toss them in. Interior shot. 

>I'm sorry, the whole tone and feel of this newsletter put me off big 
>time. They've lost me as an enthusiastic customer, at least. 


I couldn't agree with you more. TRF hasn't been the same since they 
took on MGB parts in 1989. There is no question that resources 
previously devoted to Triumphs were rededicated to MGB's. Then more 
resources went into the Inn, instead of parts. Their own newsletter 
alluded to this and the recession as causing cash flow problems for 
TRF. Suppliers don't ship if thet don't get paid, and that equals 
backorders for us. Some people may think that the Aviation Society and 
Teddy Runyon are cute and/or interesting. I am not one of those people. 
To me, they are distractions from the core business of TRF, and we as 
their customers are suffering. Fortunately, there are alternatives, and 
most of my money has been making it's way to them.

74 TR6

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