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Vast Improvement.

Subject: Vast Improvement.
From: "Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570"<>
Date: Tue, 07 May 1996 14:14:58 +0000 (GMT)
Good Morning All.

By replacing two bolts that have been missing from my car since I bought it, I
transformed  the way it drives.  The two bolts I am talking about are(Well, OK
there should be four, but 2 are better than none) are the ones in the bottom of
the radio console bracket thingy bob that goes over the gearbox tunnel and
bolts to the bottom of the dash and to the chassis through the floor pans.  The
steering now feels much firmer, thewheel and column don't shake no where near
as much, AND the steering now self-centre's........

Also, I took the car to John Kippings on Saturday as I have been having a bit
of a problem with the overdrive.  After taking his mechanic for a spin to 'see'
the problem John told him to simply replace the whole unit FREE OF CHARGE!!!! 
Admitedly the O/D wasn't quite a year old(51 weeks to be precise), but I still
think that was excellent service.  They hadn't at the time got a recon O/D
finished though so I got to go to his workshop and see it being finished prior
to HIM (It seems strange watching someone else get dirty working on MY car:-) )
removing the old one and fitting the new one.  The problem in the end turned
out to be the roller on the end of the gear pump in the O/D had worn right down
so wasn't providing enough pressure.

Just a note from a happy chap.

'73 Spitfire MkIV with NEW d-type O/D :-)

usual disclaimer:- No relation, etc etc I'm just a very satisfied customer. 

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