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Re: Spitfire small end bushing question

Subject: Re: Spitfire small end bushing question
From: aj253@rgfn.epcc.Edu (Tony Robinson)
Date: Mon, 6 May 96 15:21:03 MDT

>Took the B off storage ins and out for a few ,
>have one problem. at around 4 grand she starts to 
>spit and sputter, haven't checked yet. But do you
>think this would be in the timing or possibly the side
>draft weber.  Should I look elsewhere?  Remember this
>is the car that burn't the head gasket between 3-4.
>                                      Chet

 Timing and carb adjustment are both good places to start.
 Also, since it sat for a while, plug wires dist. cap etc.
Once you are satisfied that everything is as it should be but it still 
sputters, check for vaccuum leaks, especially on the intake manifold 
and the vaccuum pot on the distributor. The vaccuum pot obn the 
distributor is best checked with a vaccuum pump, but short of that, you 
can attach a piece of hose to it and blow into it to be sure it doesn't 
leak. This seems to be a very common problem on these lbcs, and one that 
is very often overlooked.
Best Regards,

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