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Re: Spitfire small end bushing question

Subject: Re: Spitfire small end bushing question
From: aj253@rgfn.epcc.Edu (Tony Robinson)
Date: Fri, 3 May 96 14:38:17 MDT

>I was installing new .030 pistons on my conrods last night and the
>small end bushing in #3 fell out when I removed the old piston. I assume
>that this is a Bad Thing, since the others were pressed in tightly, and
>since the oil hole in the bushing needs to line up with the oil hole in
>the conrod. I also had been hearing a knock in the engine, and I suspect
>that this is it.
>So, am I safe in assuming that this bushing is bad, and that the small end
>bushings should be tight in the conrod? Why would only one of them be

 Yup, a very bad thing.
 Ordinarilly, I would replace the small end bushings in a rebuild no 
matter what. 
 Since the bushing fell out, there is a good chance the hole in the rod 
has elongated or at least worn to the point where a new one will not stay 
 Suggest you get it to a machinist and have it "miked" and checked for spec.
The underlying cause could be a twisted rod which comes from excessive 
end play from worn thrust washers.
 If one rod may be twisted, it would be a good idea to have them all 
checked and check tolerences on the amount of movement the crank has from 
end to end. Sounds like thrust washers would also need repacing.
 There seems to be several problems, but nothing that is extremely 
expensive or difficult to fix. You will be better off in the long run to 
do all of this now to avoid another teardown in the not too distant future.
Best Regards,
Tony R.

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