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Re: one last carpet question...

Subject: Re: one last carpet question...
From: aj253@rgfn.epcc.Edu (Tony Robinson)
Date: Fri, 3 May 96 14:30:48 MDT

>My tranny tunnel is shot.  A new one is not in the works - I'm gonna use
>duct tape and cardboard to patch it up and then use duct tape inbetween it
>and the floorpans and bulkhead.  Ain't duct tape great?  Any reason I
>should not do it this way?  Thanks.
>--Jon Moody

 Yup, lots of reason. The biggest is that duct tape will let go as soon 
as it gets hot.
 I would suggest tyou invest about $12.00 for a quart can of fiber glass 
resin and a sheet of fiberglass mat (available at most auto supply 
stores) and cover the entire thing with glas. Much more durable, paintable
and a cheap but lasting repair. Just follow directions on the can of resin.
Best Regards,

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