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Those Russian's

Subject: Those Russian's
From: (Pat Leask)
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 17:25:23 -0700
You forgot one very important point. The Russian's could email our news list
for help when something went wrong !


"...that's not my car leaking oil, it's Greg's...."

>Just finished watching Wings on the Discovery Channel.  They were describing
>the Soviet supersonic transport program and the British/French Concorde.  The
>Tuploev TU-144, the Soviet's SST, had engines that were not fuel efficient
>(as SSTs go, anyway).  So the Soviets contacted Lucas Electronics for a fuel
>management system!  When the British government heard about this, they told
>the Soviets, NO WAY!  Because the Brit's felt that the Soviets would use the
>technology for military purposes. The Brit's knew that the TU-22 Blinder, a
>Soviet supersonic bomber, used the same engines as the TU-144 passenger
>Now, just think, if the cold war had not ended, and things heated up, WE
>could have averted WW3.  How, you ask?  Well, when the Ruskies would email
>the problem they were having with the ENTIRE TU-22 fleet, we could have
>warned our government.  They would, hopefully, launch a preventive strike.
>Either that, or the Lucas Electronics would have p*ssed the Ruskies off, and
>they would have just launched their ICBMs instead.

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