On Fri, 1 Dec 1995, Michael Noerregaard wrote:
> I was driving my littte GT6+ home tonight, but when pulling out from a
> parking lot, I didn't give it enough gas, so it died. OK - bid deal (I
> ...mechanical knowledge ends ;-( - what could be causing this?
> P.S. Another thing that I have been wondering about - when I on prior
> occasions went to start the car, it would not run when the starter was
> turning, but only when I let go of the key (the starter stopped, and the
> engine started) - is that how it is supposed to be?
Before you tear heavily into the fuel system, I would check out the
ignition switch and perhaps wiring related to that, to ensure everything
does function as it should. The starter problems you related lead me to
believe you might have been having a problem with the ignition switch
that has now progressed to an even less functional level.
Good luck; let us know what it turns out to be!